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Edducation Source Hub

Community created learning knowledge sources
SimpleAsWaterCrypto testers
Genral about Ethereum
The State of the Ethereum Network: 5 Years Running
Before you jump into Ethereum, read this gem The Crypto Family farm
Decentralised web - simple explanation
Keep your funds safe + general knowledge portal, mainly about how to keep your crypto safe
ypherpunks mailing list - OG literature cypherpunks movement that’s connected too Ethereum Magicians roots
12 questions about crypto
A beginner's guide to Ethereum
How does Ethereum work, anyway?
Devcon 5: Building a decentralized revolution at scale
In defense of Ethereum and its fatness: why I’m still bullish on ETH - Price of ETH and history
My rambling journey into a career working on Ethereum and the decentralized web- How Ethereum Core Dev got into Ethereum and decentralised web
Scale Ethereum - huge repo
The Meaning of Decentralization
What is an Ethereum core developer?