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About Us
Ethereum Magicians is a group of individuals working and contributing to Ethereum and maintaining the forum. We aim to strengthen our role as a community moderator by organising meetups with Ethereum Core Developers and Researchers and wide Community during bigger Ethereum Conferences. Which has a very positive impact on the whole Ethereum Community, empowers Ethereum Core decision makers to listen to the community more and encourages researchers to work closer with the community via Ethereum Magicians Forum.
Our Culture
We are unique in the way we facilitate the community, and how we present us and represent the Ethereum tech community.
Our Story
The Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians self-organized in order to make better decisions about the Ethereum protocol, smart contract standards, and issues in the community.

Gatherings and events
All Councils, Gatherings, Sessions and Events organised by Ethereum Magicians Ops Team
Visit our forum meet our Community
Ethereum Magicians forum is a community of Ethereum enthusiast. We are mainly tech focused cyber heads that love Ethereum!⟠